
Intent - What Do We Aspire for Our Children?

Our Curriculum Intent for English

At Helsby Hillside, our English curriculum fulfils the requirements of the National Curriculum by providing a broad and balanced, ambitious, and inclusive programme of study. The central aim of our curriculum is to ensure that children acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to become fluent readers and competent authors. Furthermore, our curriculum recognises the vital role literature plays in developing children's cultural capital by exposing them to a range of culturally diverse texts that reflect our literary heritage.

Our curriculum is built around units of work that develop spoken language, reading, and writing skills through a mastery approach. Whilst being carefully sequenced, each unit of work is tightly focused. By limiting the number of new skills each unit covers, children have repeated opportunities to rehearse their skills enabling them to become fluent readers, writers and speakers. 

We aim for children to develop a love of reading and writing that will remain with them into their secondary education. By the time children leave Helsby Hillside, they will be able to write clearly and accurately for various audiences and purposes whilst confidently communicating their knowledge, ideas and emotions. Children will be fluent readers who read confidently, widely, and often.

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Helsby Hillside Primary School Helsby Hillside Primary School Logo

Bates Lane, Helsby, Frodsham WA6 9LN

Headteacher: Adam Khan

School Contacts: Mrs Julie Ellis, Mrs S Tregilgas & Mrs C Williams

01928 722991

[email protected]