Reception 2024 - 2025

Miss Jagota

Welcome to Reception!

Reception is taught by Miss Jagota

and supported by Mrs Williams and Miss Lee
We are so excited to be starting the new school year and welcoming your child as they begin their journey at Helsby Hillside Primary School.

We have lots of fun things to look forward to this year. Learning new skills is so important in Reception and we do a lot of our learning through play! In Reception, the children can follow their own interests, topics are often catered to what the children like! Reception is a creative, fun and warm environment to explore and learn in. We focus on subjects such as Phonics, Literacy and Maths, as these are the fundamental areas of Early Learning.

As well as learning new educational skills, we work on becoming members of a new school community. We learn to form new friendships, be more independent, follow structures and routines and to let our big personalities shine!

We feel it is really important to work closely with parents and carers in order to support your child's learning and development. If you have any questions or worries, or if you would like to talk to us about your child, please email [email protected].

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Reception: Calendar items

Week 3, by Mrs Williams

School reopens, by Mrs Williams

Rocksteady concert, by Mrs Garner

Helsby Hillside Primary School Helsby Hillside Primary School Logo

Bates Lane, Helsby, Frodsham WA6 9LN

Headteacher: Adam Khan

School Contacts: Mrs Julie Ellis, Mrs S Tregilgas & Mrs C Williams

01928 722991

[email protected]