Physcial Education

Intent - What Do We Aspire for Our Children?

Our Curriculum Intent for Physical Education

At Helsby Hillside Primary School, every child has the opportunity to develop the physical confidence and competence to enjoy being physically active.

Our aim is to ensure that all pupils develop the fundamental skills to excel in a wide range of physical activities by providing a broad and balanced curriculum with opportunities for all children to enjoy. Our curriculum is inclusive for all pupils to ensure children are physically active. Through high-quality PE, children will develop their physical literacy; the importance of a healthy lifestyle; self-expression, and concepts such as fair play and respect.

We give all children the opportunity to represent Helsby Hillside at inclusive inter-sports festivals. These non-competitive festivals aim to motivate and inspire children as well as celebrate their successes. We strive to give as many children as possible the opportunity to participate in a variety of competitive sports during their primary school years; giving them the opportunity to understand what competition feels like; what it is like to be part of a team; and to be able to lose with grace and win with humility.

When children leave Helsby Hillside, we aim to ensure that the children’s experience of Physical Education has been positive and that representing the school has been a source of great pride. We want children to have the knowledge and motivation needed to lead a healthy, active lifestyle.

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Helsby Hillside Primary School Helsby Hillside Primary School Logo

Bates Lane, Helsby, Frodsham WA6 9LN

Headteacher: Adam Khan

School Contacts: Mrs Julie Ellis, Mrs S Tregilgas & Mrs C Williams

01928 722991

[email protected]