Absence and Illness in term time (incl FORMS to complete)

Holidays/leave of absence in term time

If a child is expected to be absent for a reason other than for illness/medical reason, a request for a leave of absence form should be completed which is attached below and in the forms section of the website. This form should be completed and reviewed by the headteacher prior to any holiday/time off. 

Cheshire West and Chester council may issue Fixed Penalty Notices for any holidays of 5 days or more  taken during term time, irrespective of when the request was made which is not considered to be exceptional in circumstances. Please take this into consideration when booking any future holidays.

All authorised, unauthorised absences and lateness are recorded in the school registers.

Our Attendance Policy can be viewed on the policy page click here



Pupils who are unwell should not be sent to school. Parents are asked to notify the school office of the reason for absence before 9.30am each morning of absence.  This is important so that we know there is no cause for concern because a child has not arrived in school.    If you do not contact school, the office staff will contact you to confirm the reason for absence.

Please either telephone the school on 01928 722991 where you can leave a message on our attendance line or email [email protected]. Please provide your child's full name, year group, and reason for absence.  Please do not email your class teacher as they may not have read the email, and may result in the office staff contacting you.

We have attached guidance on if and for how long your child should be off school for if they have a common childhood illness.

Should a GP advise that your child is well enough to return to school but needs to take medicine (for instance at lunch time) a consent form to administer medicines must be completed and is available from the school office and attached below. Any prescribed medicine will need to include a pharmacists label with the child’s name, dosage and instructions clearly printed. Homeopathic/non-controlled medicines cannot be administered under any circumstances. Non-prescribed/’over the counter’ medicines can be administered to a child by school staff, or a parent/carer can come to school, when it would be detrimental to a child’s health if it were not administered during the school day.

Should you have any health queries the school nurse can be contacted at https://www.startingwell.org.uk/


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Helsby Hillside Primary School Helsby Hillside Primary School Logo

Bates Lane, Helsby, Frodsham WA6 9LN

Headteacher: Adam Khan

School Contacts: Mrs Julie Ellis, Mrs S Tregilgas & Mrs C Williams

01928 722991

[email protected]