Year 5 2023 - 2024

Mrs Thomas

Welcome to Year Five

Year 5 is taught by Mrs Lynda Thomas and is supported by Miss L Hughes 


Weekly Round-up


Year 5 have had a busy (and very hot) week this week! We have been doing our end of year assessments and the outcomes of these will be shared with you in the end of year reports you will receive before the end of term.

We have continued with our history unit of work on Journeys of the past and our timeline has moved on ten years from 1938 and the movement of Jewish Czechoslovakian children to the UK before WWII to 1948. We have looked at and discussed The Windrush generation of peoples from Jamaica and The Caribbean Islands who arrived in the UK to help rebuild the country post WWII. Most of Year 5 should be able to explain to you that the Windrush Generations are named after the first ship to arrive in 1948 although many more ships followed afterwards.

In games this week Year 5 did archery with Mrs Moore. Wednesday was a very hot day and the games lesson finished off with a fun and cooling water-fight!

There will be no homework for this week due to the fact that we have not covered our usual number of English and Maths lessons with it being assessment week. In fact, with only 3 full weeks to go until the end of term I shall not be setting any more formal written homeworks this year. Thank you for all the guidance and support you have given the children over the year.

The children have this week continued to present their projects on their Euro country. They have presented their work confidently and we have all learned some fascinating facts about European countries, myself included. Quite a few children still have to present their research although I am hoping that all children will have done this before the Euros final weekend.  

The week starting Monday 15th July the whole school is having a focus week producing written work and artwork to celebrate the 60 year Anniversary of Hillside being a primary school. The work will be in an exhibition we are holding on the 6th of September next academic year, exactly 60 years to the day since Hillside opened as a primary school with it previously having been a high school. I myself have been teaching at Hillside for a large part of this time as I started teaching at Hillside in 1998! If any of you have any photos or anything to do with Hillside from over the last 60 years that we could include in the exhibition, please could you pass these to either myself or to Mrs Potts.

Finally, Mr Newman is holding a MInydon information meeting after school next Wednesday 3rd July for parents and children. The meeting is at 3.30 pm and will be in the school hall. Mr Newman will be showing a powerpoint presentation about the centre and of the activities etc and there will be the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Kit lists for the residential will also be given out next week.    

Have a great weekend everyone,

Lynda Thomas





                                            Please email me at [email protected]  if you need to get in touch or if you have any questions. 




Spelling and Punctuation

BBC Bitesize contains lots of valuable learning material linked to a wide range of topics.. For spelling rules click on the link here and for punctuation click here (note semi-colons and colons are in the Y6 English curriculum, however Y5 need to understand the names and how to use all other punctuation forms).

Times Tables

There are some times tables booklets for you to download on this page if needed, however the children are doing amazingly well in their weekly times tables tests and we are compiling our 'Premier League' table of pupils who are brave enough to take on the challenge of being timed to recall their tables in the shortest possible time! 


Our Hillside Website has a Wellbeing Page that is being regularly updated and managed by Miss Leisa Hughes. You can find links to My Happy Mind, a range of activities and useful links to help support well-being and a positive mental health. Please do look at this page (situated below the Y6 class page on our website).








Files to Download

Year 5: News items

There are no News items to display

Year 5: Blog items

Weekly Newsletter, by Mrs Ellis

Year 5: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Year 5: Calendar items

Rec & Y1 at Helsby Scout Hut, by Mrs Tregilgas

WK2 lunch menu, by Mrs Tregilgas

Y6 at Go Ape, by Mrs Tregilgas

Helsby Hillside Primary School Helsby Hillside Primary School Logo

Bates Lane, Helsby, Frodsham WA6 9LN

Headteacher: Adam Khan

School Contacts: Mrs Julie Ellis, Mrs S Tregilgas & Mrs C Williams

01928 722991

[email protected]