Our School
Helsby Hillside Primary School is located alongside the A56 and enjoys a commanding view of the Mersey Estuary, the Manchester Ship Canal and the M56. It also nestles at the foot of Helsby Hill.
The building itself dates back to 1910. The school was a Secondary School until 1964 when, with the population of Helsby increasing, it was refurbished as a new Primary School.
The school is housed in two buildings. The main building consists of 5 classrooms, a hall, a kitchen and administration area. A corridor, from which access to the classrooms is obtained, runs the length of the main building. This corridor reflects the work of the school and also houses the library, the maths area and the music resource area. The Early Years building has two classrooms and an outdoor structured play area.
There are two playgrounds separated by the hall, one for the younger children and one for the older children. There are gardens maintained by the school in both play areas and use is being made of them in the curriculum. The playing field is located at Proffits Lane which is a ten minute walk from the school. The school has undergone extensive modernisation during the last few years including a new main entrance and new toilets.
Helsby Hillside Primary School Aims
‘Learn, Laugh and Play’
At Helsby Hillside Primary School, our overall aim is to create a community in which each child can learn in a safe and secure environment, have fun and achieve his or her potential. Through the experiences and opportunities we provide and the expectations we hold, we will encourage all to give of their best within a happy, secure, supportive atmosphere. We place great value on the quality of relationships within our school community and feel that such relationships lead to positive attitudes to life and learning.
We also aim to provide an environment in which each member of our community can acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and abilities they need in order that they may take their place in the wider society.
Parental Involvement
We at Hillside firmly believe that the relationship between the parents and the school is crucial if the child's education is to benefit fully. The teaching staff and the parents are partners ensuring that the child obtains only the best that the resources available can provide. Parents are encouraged, if their circumstances permit, to help in the classroom and they are welcome on educational visits.